Friday, July 19, 2019

Essential Oil Spotlight

If I am being honest, I was never one to worry about going all natural until  few years ago. I started trying to get rid of all toxins in my house but let's face it, that's not as easy as it seems. So instead of trying to eliminate everything at once. I am taking one step at a time.  Plus essential oils have been used throughout history for many, many reasons. 

I stopped using plug ins because I had one that smelled amazing  but ATE the paint off my walls. No kidding completely ate all the paint from my wall down to the baseboard. I was mad at first about the wall but if it eats paint what is it doing to us? I know we don't eat it but we do inhale the fragrance that generates from it. I also touched the oils. So those were GONE and that's one less toxin in my house.  Recently they have been linked to causing cancer..

I still enjoy candles occasionally but they make me sneeze and are very strong. What's great about  essential oils is I control the strength of the scent (by the amount of drops). I also find even though it is very noticeable the fragrance is subtle

Orange is also a mood booster.. Not sure how or why but if I  put a few drops of Orange EO on my wrist (or behind my ear) or in my diffuser it creates a calming effect.  Plus when diffused the room smells amazing.

I use Orange Essential Oil as an all natural teeth whitener. I HATE the strips. They taste gross, take too long, never stay on, and cause sores in my mouth. Orange taste great and all I have to do is put a few drops in my toothpaste and boom. NATURAL whitener.

As with anything different people have different effects.. The opinion expressed is mine alone and based on my experience.

check out this blog post to see 14 things to try with Orange.

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